Way that can be detected and found a blog search engine
Cara agar blog bisa terdeteksi dan ditemukan mesin pencari google,yahoo,etc. Bagi blogger- blogger yang baru membangun blognya pasti ingin blognya dapat ditemukan pada mesin-mesin pencari. Tiadak diragukan lagi pada awal aku membuat blog hal ini yang saya selalu cari-cari dan bingung karena saya mencoba mencari di google akan tetapi tidak menemukan. Pokoknya kalau blog anda berisi hal-hal yang berisi (mempunyai content yang berbobot) dan banyak dicari orang pasti tidak akan lama blog anda akan ramai ^.^ Puji Tuhan blog saya sudah bisa masuk atau ditemukan di mesin pencari, dan saya mau berbagi buat para blogger yang baru yang ingin blognya dapat ditemukan di mesin-mesin pencari... :)
Way that can be detected and found a blog search engine google, yahoo, etc. For new bloggers build their blogs blog definitely want to be found on search engines. No doubt in the beginning I made this blog that I've always been looking for and confused because I tried searching in google but not found. Anyway if your blog contains the things that contain (having a weight content) and a lot of people search the blog would not be long you will be busy ^. ^ Thank God I was able to blog entry or found in a search engine, and I'd share for the new blogger who wants to blog can be found on search engines ... :)
caranya submit aja URL kalian di
^.^www.google.com/addurl/^.^ www.google.com/webmasters/tools/ (profesional)^.^ www.altavista.com/addurl/default^.^ search.yahoo.com/info/submit.html
how to submit your URL in
^. ^ Www.google.com/addurl/
^. ^ Www.google.com/webmasters/tools/ (professional)
^. ^ Www.altavista.com / addurl / default
^. ^ Search.yahoo.com / info / submit.html
Cara agar blog bisa terdeteksi lewat webmaster (aku tetep bantu langkahnya ^.^)
1. login ke google webmaster tool www.google.com/webmasters/tools/
2. masukkan URL anda ke google webmaster tool (click add site)
3. lakukan "verifikasi" blog anda (klik pada link "verify your site")
4. pilih metode verifikasi add meta tag pada menu drop down
5. copy meta tag yang muncul
6. masukkan skrip meta tag ke dalam blog anda
^.^ masuk ke dasbor blog anda
^.^ masuk ke tab tata letak
^.^ masuk ke "Edit HTML"
^.^ click Expande Template Widget
^.^ copy pastekan ke kolom skrip template sesudah tag head
7. kembali ke webmaster toll dan verivikasi
8. masuk tab sitemap ketik atom.xml dan (clicksubmit sitemap)
mungkin hal ini agak ribet akan tetapi jangan menyerah aku yakin anda PASTI bisa bila ada pertanyaan lebih lanjut tulis di komentar aja :)
Why not? ^.^
Way that can be detected via the webmaster blog (I still help pace ^. ^)1.login to google webmaster tools www.google.com/webmasters/tools/2. enter your URL to google webmaster tools (click the add site)3. do "verify" your blog (click on the link "verify your site")4. select Add a meta tag verification method in the drop down menu5. copy the meta tags that appear6. script insert meta tags into your blog^. ^ Into your blog dashboard
^. ^ Into the layout tab
^. ^ Go to "Edit HTML"
^. ^ Click Expande Widget Templates
^. ^ Copy and paste the script into a template column after the head tag
7. back to the webmaster and verification token toll
7. back to the webmaster and verification token toll
8. incoming sitemap tab and type the atom.xml (clicksubmit sitemap)perhaps this is somewhat complicated but do not give up I'm sure you WILL be if there is any further questions write in the comments aja:)Why not? ^. ^
ya rajin-rajin aja mempromosikan blog kita yach seperti shared di facebook trus di blog-indonesia.com dan sebagainya emang harus ada pengorbanan sih :)
selamat mencoba....
"Orang-orang yang menabur dengan mencucurkan air mata, akan menuai dengan sorak sorai" ^.^
yes-diligent diligently to promote our blog aja yach like facebook then shared in the blog-indonesia.com and so there must be sacrifices emang hell:)good luck ....
"Those who sow with tears will reap with joy" ^. ^
"Those who sow with tears will reap with joy" ^. ^
Majukan bangsa dengan blogmu..... ;)
Promote the nation with the blog ..... ;)
Promote the nation with the blog ..... ;)
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